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All work and no play makes Jack a dullCopyright 1984-1996 Claris Corporation and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. FPTHA MSPCA FPTHA FPTHA FPTHA FPTHA FPTHA FPTHA alisA HBAM3016AUG95 Pro 2.0 - 2.1F! Pro 3.0 - 4.0 US English - Spelling User Dictionary APPLE PART NUMBER ^ CADDRESS1 P CADDRESS2 CCITY CCONTACTFIRST CLIENT CSTATE CTITLE DATE CALCULATION DEMOLIT DESCRIPTION DISCONTINUED INVENTORY LOCATION ITEM NUMBER INVENTORY MARKUP DIFF. MINUS 6% MY COST MY MARKUP NOTES PLATFORM REQUIREMENTS PRICE PRINT ME PUBLISHER~MANUFACTURER RECORD NUMBER STATUS SYSTEM TAX LINE TAG TODAY LINK V NAME NUMBER VENDOR VPHONE DateB my costB VendorB Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday January February March April August September October November December 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter bVeReWfTm 11/1/999 descriptions description list description list for print about Import descriptionsB ItemB descriptionB publisher~manufacturerB platform requirementsB record numberB notesB DA my markupB print meB systemB demolitB priceB textB ClientB PA Caddress1B QA Caddress2B Ccityy CstateB CzipB CcontactfirstB CtitleB statusB discontinuedB inventory locationB VphoneB apple part numberB v name numberB markup diff.B date calculationB + 100 minus 6%B M / 1 tax line tagB Item number inventoryB Today linkB description listB About Message Invoice Vendors Purchase Clients Close Print Update Expense Description record number Tax line tag Products -- Confidential This file is for the tracking of non-inventory expenses. To add an expense item, select the New button, then press the TAB key to enter the Expense Item name. Tab to the next fields to enter a description of the expense, A tax line item tag (optional), and the cost of the expense. This information will be available to you in the Purchase file. Select the LIST button to display all current Expense records. Expense file After Hours Consulting Raleigh, North Carolina 919/271-7479 description list for printB updatedV priceW recordY Item\ tax line tag] About^ Message Invoicea Vendorsb Purchasec Clients Close Print ListqA After Hours Consulting Raleigh, North Carolina 919/271-7479u Productsv -- Confidentialx Expense file HelpB updatedV priceW recordY tax line tagv Expenses item listx -- Confidential aboutB About Message Invoice Vendors Purchase Clients Close Print After Hours Consulting, all rights reserved. After Hours -- Confidential This is a brief Help guide to your database. The database has two main parts, the navigator bar above , and the body of the database, where you can store and use the information it holds. You may jump from one section of the database to another by clicking (once) on one of the nav buttons. The top row takes you to related databases such as your clients, POs, billing invoices and so forth. The active database is highlighted with the open file icon, and may take you to another layout within the file. Inactive or unavailable buttons will be greyed out. The Quit button will save all of your work and Quit from FileMaker. The second row navigates within this database, permitting the creation of new records, jumping to the first record, previous, next and last record, specialty menus, functions such as finding or printing a specific record, getting to this help page, or closing the file. If there is a third row, it will be for additional specialty functions such as sort Ying the working record set. The body of each file contains the recorded information, so it's called the record. Each record is like a file card in a rolodex, and the files can be sorted, printed or separated into groups as needed. You will enter information into fields. Often you can jump from one field to the next by pressing the TAB key. Import Return Products ImportB About About Expert Consultant This is a FileMaker Pro database, designed to aid the small business professional track their clients, vendors and operation on the Macintosh. Expert Consultant is a standalone solution based in FileMaker 3.0.5. For complete features, the support files must be installed in your system folder or a commercial version of FileMaker Pro should reside on your hard drive. Expert Consultant v1.1.1c 1998, 1999 After Hours Consulting, all rights reserved. G.This copy of Expert Consultant is licensed to: Expert Consultant is a commercial package and is not for free distribution. Individual and network site licenses are available. Contact us for additional details. After Hours Consulting Technical Support: 10-5 EST PMB 167, 5910-129 Duraleigh Road voice 919-271-7479 Raleigh, NC 27612 USA fax 810-816-6707 email: on the web at: JAiWARNING: This solution contains password(s) which may only be provided by the developer identified above. Products Purchase Vendors Clients Invoice Message A sortfield R*Expert Consultant Expense - Import feature After Hours Consulting Raleigh, NC, USA 919/271-7479 All Rights Reserved This window permits the initial setup or importation of expense data from previous versions of EC or other business database software. To use EC effectively, most users prefer to keep records of tax-related expenses in their purchase files. This file helps maintain those records. You will need to conduct separate imports for each file in your current solution. To import records from previous versions, we strongly suggest referring to the owners guide or printing out the instructions with the button below. Then, select the Start Import button. To forego using the expense file, select the Cancel button. To enter the expense file at any tme, select the Finished button. When the import has finished, please inspect your new records for accuracy. To start the import, select the import button below. You may leave the import process by selecting the Finished button. Start Import Finished Print instructions Cancel vendors previous go to p.o. goto invoice goto client startup ) < 1 about goto messages goto products print list first print import instructions import old data CancelW There are no Expense items listed. Select New and add one or more of your non-inventory purchase items to this file now.C9 = "Network" Network After Hours OK1F1 Cancel You are about to begin the Import process for Expenses. Your source file should be prepared (Find All, if appropriate). You may cancel in the next window, but do not cancel once the importation has begun.B OK1F1 Cancel You have completed the data import for Expenses startup goto client go to p.o. goto invoice vendors goto products goto messages about first previous print list sortfield print import instructions import old data A sortfield 44444 CCCCC 44444 CCCCC $42" B"#B@ B"#B"$ 4"2$B"#B"#C 2$""#B"#C0 4"2#B"#C0 2$B"#C0 4""#C0 ~ffff ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" "%UR UD33D wwwwww ffffff DDDDDD 333333 w"23' 2!{w~ R!{wB +r$r!w{~ ""'r!{w~ r!ww~ 'w!w|~ ""q|{~ -"!{y~ +"!yy #RPTH wwwwww wwwwww wwwwww *RPTH FPTHA*AFTER HOURS:AFTER HOURS:AH BILLING INVOICE MSPCA NAMEA AH billing invoice RPTHA :AH BILLING INVOICE ZONEA 'RPTH FPTHA'Personal:After Hours:AH purchase orders MSPCA NAMEA AH purchase orders RPTHA AH purchase orders alisA Personal AH purchase orders FMP3FMP3 After Hours 'Personal:After Hours:AH purchase orders "RPTH FPTHA"AFTER HOURS:AFTER HOURS:AH VENDORS MSPCA NAMEA AH vendors RPTHA :AH VENDORS ZONEA "RPTH FPTHA"AFTER HOURS:AFTER HOURS:AH CLIENTS FPTHA#Q:APPS:1PAUL:AFTER HOURS:AH CLIENTS MSPCA NAMEA AH clients RPTHA :AH CLIENTS ZONEA (LIST LISTA VDEFA( (LIST LISTA (1040, 23) (C, II, 8) (C, II, 16a/b) (C, II, 17) (C, II, 18) (C, II, 20a/b) (C, II, 21) (C, II, 24a) (C, II, 24b) (C, II, 25) (C, II, 26) (C, II, 27) (C, V) VDEFA( print me ListM tax tags FMRLA FMRLA FMRLA FMRLA vendorsB clientsC Line ItemsD setup MSPCA NAMEA AH clients RPTHA :AH CLIENTS ZONEA +RPTH !ZONE FPTHA+AFTER HOURS:DESKTOP FOLDER:ITEM-COST BY TAB MSPCA NAMEA item-cost by tab RPTHA!::DESKTOP FOLDER:ITEM-COST BY TAB ZONEA /RPTH FPTHA/AFTER HOURS:AFTER HOURS:AH MAC CATALOG DATABASE MSPCA NAMEA AH Mac Catalog Database RPTHA :AH MAC CATALOG DATABASE ZONEA FPTHA Personal:After Hours:AH vendors MSPCA NAMEA AH vendors RPTHA AH vendors alisA Personal AH vendors FMP3FMP3 After Hours Personal:After Hours:AH vendors FPTHA Personal:After Hours:AH clients MSPCA NAMEA AH clients RPTHA AH clients alisA Personal AH clients {W#FMP3FMP3 After Hours Personal:After Hours:AH clients 3RPTH FPTHA32300c:After Hours:AH database/accting:AH Line Items MSPCA NAMEA AH Line Items RPTHA AH Line Items ZONEA alisA 2300c AH Line Items FMP3FMP3 AH database/accting 32300c:After Hours:AH database/accting:AH Line Items -RPTH FPTHA-2300c:After Hours:AH database/accting:vendors MSPCA NAMEA vendors RPTHA vendors ZONEA alisA 2300c vendors FMP3FMP3 AH database/accting -2300c:After Hours:AH database/accting:vendors :RPTH FPTHA:After Hours:After Hours :AH database/accting:purchase.fp3 MSPCA NAMEA purchase.fp3 RPTHA purchase.fp3 alisA After Hours purchase.fp3 FMP3FMP3 AH database/accting :After Hours:After Hours :AH database/accting:purchase.fp3 9RPTH FPTHA9After Hours:After Hours :AH database/accting:billing.fp3 MSPCA NAMEA billing.fp3 RPTHA billing.fp3 alisA After Hours billing.fp3 FMP3FMP3 AH database/accting 9After Hours:After Hours :AH database/accting:billing.fp3 -RPTH FPTHA-2300c:After Hours:AH database/accting:clients MSPCA NAMEA clients RPTHA clients ZONEA alisA 2300c clients {W#FMP3FMP3 AH database/accting -2300c:After Hours:AH database/accting:clients 9RPTH FPTHA9After Hours:After Hours :AH database/accting:macspec.fp3 MSPCA NAMEA macspec.fp3 RPTHA macspec.fp3 alisA After Hours macspec.fp3 FMP3FMP3 AH database/accting 9After Hours:After Hours :AH database/accting:macspec.fp3 2RPTH FPTHA2After Hours:After Hours :AH database:lineitem.fp3 MSPCA NAMEA lineitem.fp3 RPTHA lineitem.fp3 ZONEA alisA After Hours lineitem.fp3 pFMP3FMP3 AH database 2After Hours:After Hours :AH database:lineitem.fp3 9RPTH FPTHA9After Hours:After Hours :AH database/accting:message.fp3 MSPCA NAMEA message.fp3 RPTHA message.fp3 alisA After Hours message.fp3 0FMP3FMP3 AH database/accting 9After Hours:After Hours :AH database/accting:message.fp3 :RPTH FPTHA:After Hours:After Hours :AH database/accting:products.fp3 MSPCA NAMEA products.fp3 RPTHA products.fp3 alisA After Hours products.fp3 {WQFMP3FMP3 AH database/accting :After Hours:After Hours :AH database/accting:products.fp3 /RPTH alis FPTHA/After Hours:After Hours :AH database:setup.fp3 MSPCA NAMEA setup.fp3 RPTHA setup.fp3 ZONEA alisA After Hours @ setup.fp3 FMP3FMP3 AH database /After Hours:After Hours :AH database:setup.fp3 1RPTH FPTHA1After Hours:After Hours :AH database:vendors.fp3 MSPCA NAMEA vendors.fp3 RPTHA vendors.fp3 ZONEA alisA After Hours vendors.fp3 TFMP3FMP3 AH database 1After Hours:After Hours :AH database:vendors.fp3 1RPTH FPTHA1After Hours:After Hours :AH database:clients.fp3 MSPCA NAMEA clients.fp3 RPTHA clients.fp3 ZONEA alisA After Hours clients.fp3 FMP3FMP3 AH database 1After Hours:After Hours :AH database:clients.fp3 (RPTH alis FPTHA(3400:After Hours :AH database:setup.fp3 MSPCA NAMEA setup.fp3 RPTHA setup.fp3 ZONEA ,P setup.fp3 FMP3FMP3 AH database (3400:After Hours :AH database:setup.fp3 Helvetica Geneva Times Palatino Symbol